Am I Outdated

Am I Outdated? The world is changing so fast that I hardly can keep pace with it. Maybe I am old? Maybe I was influenced by my parents by accepting their social morality? Ever-changing–this word gives us the implication that nothing stays still. 4 hours ago, I can sit in a small restaurant viewing the scenery with great pleasure. And now have to pondering the insight of that scenery in agony. What cause the ups and downs of my mood? By somebody I know? somebody I don’t know? or just by myself?

I just can’t stop my mind, like a everspinning peg-top, turning round and round. But no answer came out, just make me feel more puzzled. And my mind kept roaming aimlessly.

What do I want? or I have to want? I am driven by whom? or driven by myself?

Does life has its formula, which everybody has to follow. Why should I always thinking about the future, thinking about the trouble that may never come out.
